
Certified Pre-Owned

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Year Make Model Type Mileage Price  
2006 BMW 3-Series 325i RWD Sedan 24,925 $ 25,399
2006 BMW 3-Series 325i RWD Sedan 46,469 call
2006 BMW 3-Series 325xi AWD Sedan 39,681 call
2007 BMW 3-Series 328i RWD South Africa Sedan 23,218 call
2008 BMW 3-Series 328i RWD SULEV South Africa Sedan 10,280 $ 27,990
2008 BMW 3-Series 328xi AWD Sedan 19,851 call
2008 BMW 3-Series 328xi AWD Sedan 5,401 $ 32,980
2006 BMW 3-Series 330i RWD Sedan 18,950 $ 27,900
2006 BMW 3-Series 330i RWD Sedan 40,196 call
2006 BMW 3-Series 330xi AWD Sedan 43,606 $ 27,900
2008 BMW 3-Series 335i RWD Sedan 4,275 $ 33,900
2007 BMW 3-Series 335i RWD Sedan 26,593 $ 33,900
2007 BMW 5-Series 525i RWD Sedan 25,820 $ 31,590
2007 BMW 5-Series 525i RWD Sedan 38,481 $ 29,500
2007 BMW 5-Series 525xi AWD Sedan 43,903 $ 28,900
2007 BMW 5-Series 525xi AWD Sedan 44,688 $ 33,600
2008 BMW 5-Series 528i RWD Sedan 6,990 $ 39,390
2008 BMW 5-Series 528i RWD Sedan 7,807 $ 41,800
2008 BMW 5-Series 528i RWD Sedan 5,641 $ 41,800
2008 BMW 5-Series 528xi AWD Sedan 23,455 $ 39,900
2006 BMW 5-Series 530i RWD Sedan 17,463 $ 29,994
2007 BMW 5-Series 530i RWD Sedan 19,304 call
2007 BMW 5-Series 530i RWD Sedan 29,061 $ 33,900
2007 BMW 5-Series 530i RWD Sedan 56,105 $ 27,990
2007 BMW 5-Series 530xi AWD Sedan 38,468 $ 32,900
2007 BMW 5-Series 530xi AWD Sedan 37,172 $ 33,600
2008 BMW 6-Series M6 Coupe 11,704 $ 75,990
2007 BMW 7-Series 750Li Sedan 30,652 $ 45,500
2007 BMW 7-Series 750Li Sedan 36,802 $ 47,990
2007 BMW 7-Series 750Li Sedan 37,691 $ 46,659
2006 BMW 7-Series 750Li Sedan 43,052 $ 40,900
2006 BMW 7-Series 750Li Sedan 35,987 $ 43,900
2008 BMW X3-Series AWD 3.0si 13,500 $ 32,900
2007 BMW X3-Series AWD 3.0si 16,506 $ 31,900
2007 BMW X3-Series AWD 3.0si 27,541 $ 30,900

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